Sweetness tell me:
Do you feel like there is a whole universe of potential living inside of you but you don't know how to tap into it?
Are you desiring more love, more abundance, more prosperity, more life?
Does it seem like the vision boards and affirmations and positive thoughts are working for others but not for you?
experience a deep desire to reclaim your wild free forbidden feminine power?
Do you crave to achieve your goals with ease?
Are you longing for more intimacy with yourself and others?
Is there this unexplainable knowing that there are worlds of pleasure available to you beyond your current lived experience?
Do you see other people magnetise partners, money, opportunities, and other blessings of life and desire some of that magic for yourself?
If so,
THE EROS OF MANIFESTATION could transform your entire reality
A sensual delight, this group container will take you on a journey through your energy centers, into the depth of your subconscious and remembrance of the juiciness and magick that resides within your beautiful vessel
Utilizing breath, somatics, shadow integration, tantric secrets, and sex magic to manifest the life of your dreams and reach new heights of pleasure while you're at it
We will Explore:
Sex Magick
Sacred Ritual
Sexual Alchemy
Energy Centers
The Shadow

Imagine if....
You woke up one morning, realizing that you manifested your dream life.
Living a reality that your younger self wouldn't dare fantasize about.
An abundance of love, adventure, money, and opportunity.
Your body drenched sexual radiance.
Attracting what is in alignment with your deepest purpose, repelling what isn't.
If you think this sounds too good to be true, let me tell you about a well-kept ancient secret,
that has been by witches, mystics, and sages for thousands of years:
Orgasmic Manifestation also known as Sex Magick or the O Method
Where you use your most powerful resource, your sexual energy
A force that has the potential to create life (arguably the most divine, godlike thing we can do)
The energy that created all of life on earth
and channel it into your heart's deepest desire

An 8-week journey to unearth your feminine magnetism and attract your every heart's desire
Through immersive weekly live modules, you will gain access to ancient secrets and magical
practices to tap into your manifesting powers and leave you oozing with sexual radiance
What's included:
8 Video Lectures
8 Sex Magic Rituals
8 Embodiment Practices
*Lifetime Access to all the video and audio recordings and replays
Building a structure starts with creating a strong foundation. Grounding, coming home into our bodies, meeting our shadow, integration of our nervous system, resourcing safety and reclaiming the wild woman archetype are a few ways in which we will get rooted in our Eros
Without being in touch with our power, we can not bring our vision into the world. Connecting to our warrior nature, uncovering power blocks, upper limiting, and true confidence to reclaim our agency over our lives
Erotic energy is the force that pulls us back into Oneness. Integrating sexual shame, expanding capacity to hold pleasure, orgasm ingredients, and unabashed hedonism to unearth our authentic sexual expression and come into our full eroticism.
Module 4: EROS OF LOVE
Love is what ties everything in this existence together. Releasing heart walls, opening into deeper love for ourselves and the world, for this moment, resourcing gratitude and expanding our capacity to hold goodness in our system to open the most potent magnetic center in our bodies.
The divine has a way to artistically express through us in a unique way. Your voice is not just your physical voice but how you express to the world. It is where body and spirit come together to share our experience. Together we will find deeper truth, creativity, and authentic expression.
A bridge between the spiritual realm and the life we walk on earth, the High Priestess is a symbol for sacred wisdom. She reminds us that true power can be found in stillness and introspection. Tapping into our inner knowing, uncovering the witch wound, infusing the mundane with mysticism and finding God within ourselves
Channeling the visionary in us to dream up the reality we want to call our own. Intuition, clarity, stillness, envisioning, seeing potential, and leadership are the hallmarks of this archetype. We are going to tap into our visionary through dream magic, scripting, unearthing our psychic abilities, and deep meditation
The journey through the underworld, our energy centers, and orgasmic heights is complete. We have the opportunity to integrate, come into wholeness, bathe in the juiciness of being alive, and explore where we are taking this newfound magic

By Bianca Marzouk
Bianca is a renowned guide, healer, and teacher, focusing on sexuality and spirituality. Trained in holistic sex, love, & relationships, somatics, tantra, and breathwork, Bianca holds a safe, sacred, and compassionate space for her clients, assisting their sexual awakening and personal transformation

Hallie, Founder, HC Consulting
Working with Bianca is like being ever so gently led down the path to discovering and awakening your awareness and connection to self, body, and sexuality. She truly meets you where you are and helps lead and guide you to the path of your own inner-knowing and what is most calling you.

Chris M, Health Coach
Bianca is captivating and her energy is dynamite, and yet she is so gentle and kind and reassuring. Bianca has this amazing innate ability to connect with you on a soul level and her voice and presence are SO calming and peaceful. It was an intimate and unique experience and one that I would highly recommend.

Hanna, designer
Bianca has not only helped me to cure a lifelong effect of traumatic experience which successfully prevented me from achieving an orgasm but also showed me techniques to embrace my feminine and sexual energies which resulted in very powerful healing. I was finally able to reach the orgasmic highs I have not achieved before!
I feel like I am the best version of myself up to date both spiritually and sexually. Finally, at peace with my body, I am loving myself like never before and I will be forever grateful for it.

Dustin, BodyWork
Bianca is an absolute treasure to have on your side. She is so patient and present with her clients that it just feels like you’re talking to a best friend. The work she does is very deep, and requires a special kind of care and attention; Bianca never ceases to provide the compassion and presence necessary for these matters.
She has empowered me to become the greatest version of myself that I can dream of. I am so grateful for her and her teachings.

Julie, Founder
Working with Bianca has provided me a pathway to connection with self and others unlike anything I have ever experienced before. Working with her has enabled me to tap into both my divine feminine and masculine, get in touch with my body and step into my power. Bianca's approach to sexual enlightenment and personal mastery is an aggregate of practices across multiple spiritual verticals and cultures. She heals from the heart.

Arabella Thaïs, Writer
To meet someone who can help guide me towards my cervix – to release the trauma from that area, and help me cultivate my own cervical orgasm and therefore deepen my cosmic divinity – this is unprecedented and unheard of. I have never met or known anyone to do this kind of work. It is highly specialized and important. Healing our collective sexual trauma will help heal the planet – helping women become fully sexually realized and helping men know how to actually handle the Yoni is gonna change the goddamn world!